Friday, 26 August 2011

Boost: a retrospective (part 3) - the Bad and the Ugly

In part 2 I talked about my favorite elements of the Boost libraries. Boost is wonderful, but even so there are things that are not so good. These, the ones which (in my opinion) are best avoided, form the subject of this post.


I wrote a while ago about my frustration with this library. It seemed the perfect solution to a data pickling need I had, until I discovered that it can't cope with polymorphism. It claims to, but it randomly crashes deeply nested in incomprehensible function calls if you try. There may have been a solution, but life is just too short to figure it out. The reason for all this is that its authors decided to invent their very own subclassing scheme, completely orthogonal to the one that C++ uses. They may have had their reasons, but it's a complex subject and clearly they missed something.


If you've ever needed to do low-level socket I/O, you've probably been tempted to write an object wrapper around the C function calls and data structures. You may even have taken a look at Boost to see if they have already done this. In which case, you'll find that they have. I've certainly been down this path, and discovered Boost Asio at the end of it.

You will next discover that Asio is extremely complex, with all kinds of interacting classes that you have to be aware of and create. I spent a day or so trying to get my head around it, finally getting to the point where I felt safe putting fingers to keyboard. Then I discovered that despite all that complexity, it couldn't do what I needed. This was nothing fancy, just listen on a port, and create a thread to handle each TCP session as it arrives. Turns out Asio has a race condition - by design - which can result in missed connections. Some searching showed that there's a workaround for this, but it's complex and requires even more delving into its complexities - and isn't without its own problems anyway.

I had a long meeting to attend, so I figured I'd print the documentation and peruse it during the meeting. Over 800 pages later, my meeting had finished anyway, but the printer still hadn't. At this point, I decided that anything which takes 800 pages to describe it - for such a relatively simple function, this isn't Mathematica after all (1465 pages) - just can't be worth the learning curve.

I wrote my own family of socket classes. It actually took me less time to write and debug than it did to print the Asio documentation, never mind read it! I've been very happily using them ever since. Probably, you will do the same, but if you'd like to use mine, you're welcome. You can find them here.

The Build System

Everyone knows Make. It's convoluted, nearly incomprehensible, and a syntactic nightmare, but everyone has used it and can bodge their way out of a tight corner if they need to.

But why use something everyone knows, when you can invent something unique of your own? Sadly, this is the path that Boost took. They have their own unique build system called Bjam. I'm sure it's very elegant compared to Make - it would take a huge effort not to be - but it's still very complex, and poorly documented too. In fairness, it does (mostly) "just work" if you need to build Boost from sources. But if for whatever reason you do need to get under the covers, woe betide you.

I discovered this when I needed to cross-build Boost for our embedded processor. This is always tricky because of the config stage, where the build system looks to see what capabilities the system has, where things are located and so on. For a cross-build, of course, you can't auto-discover this just by poking around at the system you're running on. That part went OK, though. However editing the build files to pick up the right cross-compiler, cross-linker and so on, was just impossible. I found quite a bit about it on the web, but never quite enough to make it work.

Fortunately, our hardware ran a complete Linux system and with a little fiddling we could just build it native on our box. But if you can't do this - and most embedded systems can't - then you can forget using Boost. Which is a shame.


Anonymous said...

A decent overview of boost, but I'd have to disagree about boost build. I don't have a lot of experience with cross compiling, but after a day of googling and reading docs, it turned out to be a very simple one line addition to user-config.jam

using gcc : arm :/path_to_cross_compiler/arm-linux-g++ ;

and then compiling
bjam --toolset=gcc-arm variant=release link=static runtime-link=static stage

n5296s said...

Thanks for posting that - good information. Although if it took a day of googling and reading then it would probably have been easier if they'd stuck with Make!

Federico Strati said...

About Asio, had you by chance peeked into ACE as well ? What do you think about them, in that case ?

About Boost.Intrusive, I agree, but I'm trying to figure out its relation with others companions such as Boost.Containers, have you any pointer other than the obvious ones (I'm just going thru the boost docs).
